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Q – What is the Food for All Garden?

A -  The Food For All Garden is a communal garden in Clinton, CT that grows vegetables, herbs and flowers for people in need.


Q – Where is the Food For All Garden?

A – The Food For All Garden is located at 81 East Main Street, (behind the parish hall) on property owned by the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent.


Q – How big is the Food For All Garden?

A – The Food For All Garden is nearly one acre in size. There are approximately 75 beds, each 30 feet long and 4 feet wide, plus several raised beds, as well as an herb garden and beds for asparagus and garlic.


Q - How much food is produced in the garden?

A  - Totals for the first 5 years are as follows: 2013-3,750 lbs. 2014-5,900 lbs. 2015-6,580 lbs. 2016-9,740 lbs. 2017-7,537 


Q – Where does the food go?

A – The food goes mainly to the Clinton Food Pantry (helping 130 families weekly), but also to others in the Shoreline Soup Kitchens and Pantries network. 


Q – Is the Food For All Garden an organic garden?

A – We are trying to be organic in every aspect of our growing effort, as well as in our battles against bugs and blights.


Q – Who does the work in the garden?

A – The work is done by volunteers who hail from Clinton, Madison, Westbrook and other Connecticut shoreline communities. 


Q – When do the volunteers work in the garden?

A – Volunteers work on Saturday mornings between 9 and 12, and on Wednesday mornings and/or afternoons (8:30 to 3:30 during the height of the season).


Q – Do volunteers work all year round?

A – No, generally volunteers work from late March to late October.


Q – Are the volunteers expert gardeners?

A – No, the volunteers are mostly amateurs, although a few have recently completed the Master Gardener program. In fact, you don't have to be a gardener. Help is also needed with packaging and distribution, (preparing the harvested produce for sending to the pantries). Always want to drive a tractor, or like mowing? We can use your help too! 


Q – Do children and teenagers also work in the Food For All Garden?

A – School groups and scout troops frequently help us, and special arrangements are made to accommodate their schedules. High school students interested in building their community service record are also welcome any time.


Q - Are there other jobs (besides working in the garden) one can do to help this effort?  

A – Yes, considerable effort also is required in administration, bookkeeping, communication, event planning, fund-raising, grant-writing, public relations, and other activities.  


Q – Is this a non-profit venture?

A – Yes, the Food for All Garden is a project of Our Community Cares, Inc., a 501c3 tax-exempt organization set up to serve those in need in Clinton and the surrounding area.


Q – How is the garden funded?

A – So far, the Food For All Garden is funded through grants from foundations, community organizations, churches and the CT Department of Agriculture; through donations from local civic groups and businesses; and gifts from individuals.


Q – Why would the State of CT fund the garden?

A – The State of CT recognizes the efforts of small community gardens as well as large farms to provide locally grown, nutritious food to all who live here.  These efforts are considered essential to food sustainability in Connecticut.


Q – How can I assist?

A – Assistance is welcome in the form of volunteering your time, making an in-kind donation (for example, tools), or sending a monetary contribution to Our Community Cares, Inc., P.O. Box 122, Clinton, CT 06413. 


Q – Are you on Facebook?

A – Yes! Food for All Garden -- please like us!


Q – What if I have other questions?

A – If you have any questions about the Food For All Garden, please contact the Garden via email at

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